Excursion Of Students For Putao Free Boarding School

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The Htoo Foundation Free Boarding school at Putao has entered into the fifth
year, the results from the school is increasing every year and the school is
depended by students from Putao. The result of students passing the tenth
standard in the academic year 2012-2013 is 45.78%.ÂÂÂ And was a pioneer
school for Putao Region. (127) students are attending the school this year and
they are the Future fruits of Putao region.Putao is only (200) miles away from
Myitkyina, but due to lack of roads, only Air flights are relied upon.To show th

importance of Air planes and Helicopters, Chairman U Tayza arranged for the
Students from Putao Boarding School to tour the Private Jet and Helicopters.
The Pilots and Hostesses explained widely about the construction and
operation of the Air Plane and Helicopters.Htoo Foundation appreciates and
acknowledge the Pilots and Hostess Ma Wut Yee thin, who explained about the
Air Plane and Helicopters.ÂÂÂ Htoo Foundation continues giving
scholarships to the Students who passed from Putao free boarding school to
join the Universities and if they are outstanding, They will be sent abroad for
further education.

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