HTOO Foundation Supports the Fight Against COVID19 by Providing Accommodation and Meals to Front-Line Healthcare Professionals

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29 September 2020 – HTOO Foundation, a Non-Profit Organization by HTOO Group of Companies, in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Sports, are making arrangements to accommodate up to 50 front-line healthcare providers who travel across Myanmar to Yangon to fight against COVID19 at one of its properties (the former Kandawgyi Palace Hotel).

As part of COVID19 relief efforts, Htoo Foundation has provided a full-fledged arrangement including furnishing, all amenities and necessities as well as daily meals in a building which can accommodate up to 50 healthcare professionals. Representatives from Ministry of Health and Sports inspected the site and discussed the requirements on 28 October 2020. These requirements are being provisioned now and will be completed for operations by 7 October 2020.

As of today, the 29 September 2020, there are (11,631) positive cases in Myanmar and (256) deaths announced by Ministry of Health and Sports. Htoo Foundation is deeply thankful for the commitment and sacrifice of the front-line healthcare providers and volunteers who are fighting tirelessly against COVID19. With a view to expressing solidarity and providing assistance to the Ministry and the Healthcare professionals, we are dedicating this facility and commit ourselves to follow all the future guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health and Sports.


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