Htoo Foundation’s Donations To The Families Of The Victims Who Died During The Air Crash.

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On August 12th 2013 Htoo Foundation and Air Bagan donated 20 Million Kyats and 9
Trolley Tractors to The Family of U Pya and Maung Htay Aung who had burn injuries
due to the Air Bagan accident on the 25th December 2012. The donation ceremony was
held at Kone Mo village where Maung Htay Aung is staying.
The donations were personally handed over to U Pya’s family and Maung Htay Aung by
the Htoo Foundation and Air Bagan.
Before the actual donation Htoo Foundation’s Patron U Tayza personally visited the
homes of the late Tour Guide Ma Nwe Lin Shein, U Pya and burn Victim Maung Htay

Aung and gave words of encouragement.
U Pya has four Brothers and Sisters, each brother and sister were given a Trolley Tractor
and Kyats 20 lekhs, and the Parents Kyats 20 lekhs and a Trolley Tractor. For U Pya’s
family 2 Trolley Tractors and Kyats 50 lekhs was given. And 2 Trolley Tractors and
Kyats 50 lekhs were given to Maung Htay Aung. Now Htoo Foundation assisting U
Pya’s son’s education, he is now attending the 4th standard and is given 60,000 Kyats
per month as stipend and 30,000 Kyats for the younger sister.
And for the Development Htoo Foundation will pave the Kone Mo village road, upgrade
the middle school to High School, and for the Religious sector and to Promote and
spread the teachings Buddhism, a Ordination Hall and Community hall for Religious
purposes will be built and donated.

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