Kandawgyi Garden

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Though the Htoo
Foundation can be
said to be still in its
infancy, it has
completed its first
project at Pyin Oo
Lwin in Mandalay
Division where the
national Kandawgyi
Gardens were
originally founded
in 1915 as a
recreational park. It
has been revamped
over the years with
an orchid garden
sheltering a variety
of local and exotic
species of orchid, a
laboratory for tissue
culture, a mini zoo
and a bird
sanctuary, and has
been upgraded to a
flora and fauna
research centre.

The garden now serves as a research centre for local and foreign researchers, and it is
projected to become a vehicle for the preservation and propagation of floral and faunal
species not only within the country but around the globe as well.

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