Htoo Foundation’s Donation To Satphutaung Monastic School At Kyaik Hto Mon State.

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Today September 4th 2013, Htoo Foundation donated Kyats 130 million in cash and kind toSatphutaung
Monastic School at Kyaik Hto Towwnship.
Htoo Foundation was represented by Htoo Foundation Patron U Thiha, Vice Chairmans U Pye
Phyo Tayza and U Pho Thin Maung, responsible persons from Htoo Founndation, .Chairmans
Office and Air Bagan.Today's donations solved the finically problems the Monastic school is
facing at the moment and also assisted in the future education of the students who will attend the
Htoo Foundation Patron U Thiha donated Kyats 130 million as seed funds for the school, Vice
Chairman U Pye Phyo Tayza donated Kyats 26.5 Million as scholarships for the students
attending high school and distance education classes for 265 students.
Htoo Foundation Vice. Chairman U Pho Thin Maung and CEO U Paw Myint Oo donated
stationary and haversacks for the middle and primary students. Seikphutaung Sayar Daw Agga
Mahar Thaddama Zawtika data Badanta Zawtikasummoned the five precepts and all shared the
meritorious deeds .
All the students were warmly met and words of encouragements were said by all representing
Htoo Foundation. Snacks and soft drinks were given to all the students. Lunch and Dinner was
also donated for the whole school. Seitphutaung Monastic was initiated in 1981 by Sayartaw U
Zatika, the students are of all ages and from many parts of Myanmar. Many are orphans and
single parent families but disowned due poverty, some are survivors of armed conflicts who have
sought shelter at the Monastic School.
Now the school is Government recognized attached middle school, and 760 students are looked
after by the school. Meals and clothing for the students are also very much in need, Htoo
Foundation's donations helped the school in a way. Htoo Foundations shares the merit from the
heartfelt donations made to the Ethic Myanmar National children, and would like to thank our
HGC Chairman, Air Bagan Ltd and all those who participated and made this donation a success.

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