Free Eye Examination & Treatment Programme By Sitagu And Htoo Foundation

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Sitagu Buddhist Missionary Group and Htoo Foundation
collaborated in a programme for the examination and treatment of eye diseases at the District
Hospital in Putao from 5 to 7 November 2011. An advance team was dispatched to Putao and the
SitaguSayadaw accompanied by other members arrived in Putao by air on 5 November 2011. Air
Baganprovided free transport for the group. SitaguSayadaw, a team of nine doctors from both
overseas and local, fourteen nurses and helpers, medical superintendent and doctors at Putao
District Hospital, personnel of Htoo Foundation and a team from MRTV-4 joined forces in the

A total of 800 patients were given free eye examination and
treatment among which 92 patients regained vision after being given free eye operations. Htoo
Foundation arranged food, lodging and transport for SitaguSayadaw and group at Malikha hotel
in Mulasheedi village. Sitagu Sayadaw and group arrived back in Yangon on 8 November 2011.

Htoo Foundation bore part of the expenses for medical supplies
and provided transport and three meals a day for patients and their attendants coming from far-
off places. Htoo Foundation expended over Kyat 40,000,000 in donation for the implementation
of this programme. SitaguSayadaw donated an oxygen concentrator, a monitoring system, two
operation tables, a unit of light source while Htoo Foundation donated a well, a generator
complete with distribution box, an air-conditioner, mattresses, pillows, blankets and fuel oil to
run the generator in case of emergency treatment.

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